
Showing posts from September, 2024

Ancestry Summary

 According to, my DNA Summary is as follows: England and Northwestern Europe 65% Sweden and Denmark 12% Ireland 7% Norway 5% Scotland 5% Wales 4% Germanic Europe 2% The large percentage for Sweden and Denmark surprises me, although my sister certainly looks the part. I would have expected a higher percentage for Scotland, and maybe a little higher for Germanic Europe. Interestingly, when as a kid I'd ask my mother what nationality we were (usually in order to fill out a form for school) she would say casually, "English and German," but it never seemed like she knew for sure.

Two at Brandywine

Two of my ancestors were at the Battle of Brandywine , but fighting on opposite sides. Matthew Cooney (1759-1808). He was born in Botetourt County, Virginia, and served in the 12th Virginia Regiment of Foot under Captain Michael Bowyer. The 12th was with Washington at Valley Forge, among other exploits. Matthew is my 5th great grandfather. Then there was Robert Morris (1754-1829). He was on the British side, a member of the 52nd Regiment of Foot, serving under Captain J. Powell. The 52nd was at Bunker Hill, where they took quite a beating. Robert was my 4th great grandfather.